


1953 Chinese Zodiac

The year of 1953 is the Chinese zodiac Snake sign, and based on Chinese Five Elements, it belongs to the water element. Therefore, people born in 1953 Chinese zodiac year are the Water Snake. As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, Chinese year of the Water Snake starts from February 14, 1953 to February 2, 1954 in Gregorian calendar.


2、一眼靠山天珠是风水天珠,在调和磁场方面具有其他天珠不同的能量,佩带靠山天珠的人无论走到哪里,再凶险的风水格局都不会构成威胁,它代表心情愉悦,心绪清明之意。 3、特别可使请养者心思清明、心情舒畅、人际和顺、促进智慧增长,避小人、招贵人缘。 上一篇: 火供天珠的寓意及功效? 下一篇: 一眼天珠价格多少钱一颗? 相关阅读 科普精选 黑皮翡翠原石的特点 黑皮翡翠原石的特点 zhanzan 2023-04-17 宝石贵吗 (宝石多少钱一克)? 宝石贵吗 (宝石多少钱一克)? zhanzan 2022-10-31 朱砂是紫砂好还是红砂好? 朱砂是紫砂好还是红砂好? zhanzan 2022-03-30 香灰琉璃手串颜色寓意 (值不值得买)? 香灰琉璃手串颜色寓意 (值不值得买)?

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